Retouching the Stars: Plastic Surgery in the Golden Age of Hollywood

Plastic surgery has been a controversial topic in Hollywood for decades, with countless celebrities opting for nip, tuck, and everything in between to achieve the perfect look. However, it may come as a surprise to some that the roots of plastic surgery in Tinseltown go way back to the Golden Age of Hollywood. From classic film stars like Joan Crawford to screen legends like Marlene Dietrich, many of our favorite silver screen icons went under the knife to maintain their youthful appearance and stay on top of their game. So, sit back and get ready to dish on the secrets behind the beauty standards of Hollywood's bygone era.

Rita Hayworth

Rita Hayworth, a Hollywood actress and icon of the 1940s, underwent a procedure to alter her hairline in the late 1930s. Hayworth was born with a naturally high hairline, which was deemed unattractive by Hollywood standards at the time. To achieve a more glamorous look, Hayworth had a hairline reduction surgery, also known as a hairline-lowering procedure.

The hairline reduction surgery involved making an incision along the hairline and removing a small amount of scalp tissue to bring the hairline down. The remaining scalp was then stitched back together, resulting in a lower hairline. This procedure was performed under local anesthesia and usually took several hours to complete.

The reason behind Hayworth's decision to undergo this procedure was likely due to the beauty standards of the time, which emphasized a low, smooth hairline as a sign of femininity and beauty. Additionally, as an aspiring actress, Hayworth may have felt pressure to conform to these standards in order to succeed in Hollywood.

There are several sources that discuss Hayworth's hairline surgery. In her biography "If This Was Happiness: A Biography of Rita Hayworth," author Barbara Leaming details the procedure and its impact on Hayworth's career. According to Leaming, Hayworth's hairline reduction surgery was a pivotal moment in her transformation from a minor starlet to a Hollywood superstar.

Additionally, Hayworth's personal hairstylist, Sydney Guilaroff, discussed the procedure in his book "The Private Life of a High-Flying Celebrity Hairdresser." Guilaroff was present during the surgery.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe, one of the most iconic actresses of all time, had several cosmetic procedures done to enhance her beauty. She underwent a nose job early in her career, which refined the shape of her nose and made it more symmetrical. Several sources have confirmed this, including Monroe’s close friend and makeup artist Whitney Snyder who witnessed the procedure, and fellow actress Susan Strasberg who wrote about it in her memoir. She also had a chin implant - likely made of bovine cartilage - placed to give her a more pronounced jawline. Tony Curtis recalled the procedure in his memoir.

In 2013, X-rays of Marilyn’s face and medical records were auctioned off, and seemed to confirm that she had had surgical tweaks to her nose and chin. It is worth noting that Monroe herself never publicly confirmed or denied having any cosmetic procedures done.

Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth Taylor, another legendary actress of the Golden Age, underwent multiple plastic surgery procedures throughout her career. She had a rhinoplasty to refine the shape of her nose, and later in life, she had a facelift to maintain her youthful appearance.

In her autobiography, "Elizabeth Takes Off," she writes that she had the procedure done because she was self-conscious about her nose, which she felt was too large for her face. She writes, "It was no big deal. It wasn't like it is today. But it did change my looks, and it marked a turning point."

Bette Davis

Bette Davis was known for her striking features and expressive eyes, but many people may not realize that she also underwent plastic surgery to enhance her appearance. One of the procedures that Davis had done was eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, which is a common cosmetic procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the upper eyelids.

According to an article in Plastic Surgery Practice, Bette Davis had upper blepharoplasty to correct sagging eyelids that were affecting her vision. The article cites an interview with Davis in which she discusses the procedure, saying, "I had my eyes done to help my eyesight. I couldn’t see the clock in the makeup room."

Additionally, in the book "Bette Davis: Larger than Life" by Richard Schickel, it is noted that Davis underwent cosmetic procedures later in her life to maintain her youthful appearance. The book states, "As the years passed, Davis resorted to plastic surgery to help her maintain her youthful good looks. She had work done on her chin, neck, and eyes."

Eyelid surgery was a popular procedure among Hollywood stars during the Golden Age, as it could help to open up the eyes and give a more youthful appearance. While Davis was known for her distinctive look, it is possible that she underwent the procedure in order to maintain her image and further her career in Hollywood.

Judy Garland

Judy Garland, one of the most beloved actresses and singers of the Golden Age of Hollywood, is known to have undergone several plastic surgery procedures throughout her life. Specifically, Garland is reported to have had a nose job and jaw surgery.

The nose job was done early in her career to refine the shape of her nose. According to a 2019 article by Faces+ Plastic Surgery, Garland's nose job was performed by Dr. O.R. Tinklepaugh in the early 1940s. The procedure resulted in a more refined, upturned nose that became one of her signature features. In fact, Garland's daughter, Liza Minnelli, has said that her mother referred to her nose job as "a minor repair."

Later in life, Garland underwent jaw surgery to correct an overbite and improve the alignment of her teeth. According to a biography by Gerald Clarke, Garland's jaw surgery was performed in the early 1960s, when she was in her 40s. The surgery helped to give her face a more defined look

Final Thoughts

Even the most famous, beautiful people from our grandparents’ generation had access to plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures to both preserve and enhance their natural beauty. While plastic surgery is still a controversial topic today, it is important to remember that many of the most iconic stars of the Golden Age of Hollywood tweaked their legendary looks through the use of cosmetic procedures. We should also remember not to compare ourselves to celebrities who have access to the best dermatologists, surgeons, and tweaks available. Everyone has unique features and imperfections that make them who they are. As long as individuals are making informed decisions about their own bodies and health, plastic surgery can be a valid and valuable tool for enhancing one's appearance.


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